2024 Frank P. Maltese Youth Championships
Standings for Frank P. Maltese Youth Championships

171-194 Avg
171-194 Avg 1 2 3 4 remove print
Place Bowlers as of as of as of as of as of as of as of as of Scratch From Lead From Cut
1 Parker Kisch 274 257 214 163 745
2 Kacee Rhody 217 225 203 180 645 100
3 Michael Oakland 190 203 235 182 628 117
4 Gage Craft 246 185 190 162 621 124
5 Catelyn Vernarsky 205 178 176 232 615 130
6 Gage Craft 202 199 212 157 613 132 2
7 Holden Austreim 180 213 169 183 576 169 39
8 Eli Honken 193 173 196 181 570 175 45
9 Peyton McBride 166 178 224 153 568 177 47
10 Catelyn Vernarsky 191 177 168 199 567 178 48
11 Tyreece Heptig 179 202 159 185 566 179 49
12 Lennox Kane 201 184 160 180 565 180 50
13 Brittany Nelson 172 203 144 188 563 182 52
14 Zaiden Dicke 198 201 99 126 525 220 90
15 Tyreece Heptig 180 193 140 149 522 223 93
16 Ben Livingston 139 135 156 199 494 251 121

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