2023 Senior Open
Standings for Senior Open

Senior up to game 1
Senior 1 2 3 remove print
Place Bowlers as of as of as of as of as of as of Scratch
1 P Loberman 248 185 192 248
2 G Christopher 247 192 159 247
3 S England 244 183 244
4t S Jeeves 238 238 210 238
4t S Thornton 238 236 246 238
6 M Sykes 235 190 235
7 S Carnall 224 192 215 224
8 L Ellis 214 203 222 214
9 P Hewitt 212 212
10 G Boden 210 163 210
11 Colin Grose 203 269 241 203
12 A Gillespie 187 187
13 G Humphries 186 186
14 Carl Van 183 183
15 . Presley 182 182
16 G Baker 171 184 196 171

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