2021 Lilac Summer Sweeper_06.15.21
Standings for Lilac Summer Sweeper_06.15.21

Qualifying up to game 3 sorted by total overall pins
Qualifying 1 2 3 4 remove print
Place Bowlers as of as of as of as of as of as of as of as of Scratch Total
1 Sabrina Groves 198 246 247 204 691 706
2 Dan Grass 200 212 186 183 598 676
3 Kyle Groves 203 214 258 222 675 675
4 Brian Hooper 188 170 243 185 601 652
5 Jeremy Dailing 198 227 163 211 588 642
6 Rodney Milward 173 182 187 204 542 641
7 Chris Kelly 231 259 150 214 640 640
8 Andrew Groves 224 168 234 186 626 626
9 Brandon Covington 181 212 176 182 569 596
10 Nick Schmehl 189 193 203 159 585 585
11 Austin Davis 197 188 192 173 577 577

Scan for Standings