2022 April Spokane JBT
Standings for April Spokane JBT

Flight B Qualifying only game 1
Flight B Qualifying 1 2 3 remove print
Place Bowlers as of as of as of as of as of as of Scratch
1 Tyler Clarke 222 144 205 222
2t Cameron Haight 169 210 181 169
2t Reagan Clifton 169 124 127 169
4 Andrew Strawn 168 153 169 168
5 Jake Haight 167 190 124 167
6 Kelson Ramelow 164 205 160 164
7 Macey Schultz 155 188 180 155
8 Kody Hattenburg 129 183 146 129
9 Gleason Garske 121 151 183 121
** A note from your tournament director:
Flight D 9/10 frame roll off with Roxy and Carter.

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