2023 JR Scholarship League Tournament #2
Standings for JR Scholarship League Tournament #2

Scholarship Lg Challenge sorted by total overall pins
Scholarship Lg Challenge 1 2 3 remove print
Place Bowlers as of as of as of as of as of as of Scratch Total Prize
1 Cole Thomas 229 213 166 608 800 $75.00
2 Riley Granda 190 257 156 603 786 $50.00
3 Xavier Newell 233 222 239 694 775 $25.00
4 Peter Hanc 184 232 172 588 771
5 Zach Chen 193 199 159 551 764
6 Amanda Morris 170 190 227 587 746
7 Taylor Lee 211 216 189 616 724
8t Joseph Kunken 175 213 170 558 720
8t Jake Lau 178 168 197 543 720
10 Memphis Ling 193 195 183 571 709
11 Morgan Winchell 168 246 159 573 708
12 Brendan Barry 135 211 166 512 683
13 Erica DeJesus 201 171 149 521 677
14 Daniel Levine 197 206 149 552 675
15t Peyton Hughes 157 206 165 528 648
15t Larry Monroe III 177 186 189 552 648
17 Joseph Dibs 164 173 127 464 617
18 Luke Cox 123 130 148 401 614
19 Nico Arapas 147 178 178 503 587

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