2016 Warrior Strikes Grand Championship
Standings for Warrior Strikes Grand Championship

Qualifying sorted by total overall pins
Qualifying 1 2 3 4 remove print
Place Bowlers as of as of as of as of as of as of as of as of Scratch Total
1 Mike Lovely 196 213 289 258 956 956
2 REMBERT QWADARIS 208 257 255 224 944 944
3 MIKE PRINITZ 218 236 232 247 933 933
4 ROGER SABO 235 246 189 221 891 931
5 JOHN MOULTON 215 227 223 227 892 892
6 RANDY FREITAS 219 249 225 194 887 887
7 Greg Green 238 187 245 212 882 882
8 JIM MCCARTHY 240 212 213 203 868 868
9 ROB CORBETT 236 184 203 237 860 860
10 ANGELO SAURO 178 225 236 171 810 858
11 REINALDO SANTIAGO 194 238 191 182 805 837
12 FRITSHE JOSH 137 198 150 194 679 747
Greg Green 202 258 201 202 863 863 cut
ROGER SABO 189 253 167 204 813 853 cut
JOHN MOULTON 206 226 174 229 835 835 cut
JOHN MOULTON 224 202 201 203 830 830 cut
ROB CORBETT 193 221 133 276 823 823 cut
REINALDO SANTIAGO 169 214 177 216 776 808 cut
ANGELO SAURO 218 170 163 187 738 786 cut
Mike Lovely 220 199 199 165 783 783 cut
Mike Lovely 206 184 201 191 782 782 cut
ROB CORBETT 155 160 215 161 691 691 cut
** A note from your tournament director:
Congratz to all on a great season

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