H Elim (final)
Sorted by: subtotal game 4,game 4,subtotal game 1,game 1
H Elim 1 2 3 4 5 remove print
Place Bowler(s) as of as of as of as of as of as of as of as of as of as of Scratch Handicap
1 Jerry Mars 279 (279) 279 255 (255) 257 (257) 256 (256) 1047 200 (200) 1247 1247
2 William Herr 243 (193) 243 268 (218) 242 (192) 241 (191) 994 222 (172) 966 1216
3 Brandon Cole 255 (234) 255 246 (225) 266 (245) 221 (200) 988 904 988 elim
4 Ethan Fiore 236 (236) 236 255 (255) 258 (258) 232 (232) 981 265 (265) 1246 1246
5 Mike Ebberup 249 (220) 249 254 (225) 264 (235) 210 (181) 977 861 977 elim
6 Blake Beale 255 (222) 255 247 (214) 239 (206) 206 (173) 947 815 947 elim
7 BJ Smith 218 (218) 218 234 (234) 245 (245) 248 (248) 945 279 (279) 1224 1224
8 Byron Melgar 237 (201) 237 231 (195) 245 (209) 216 (180) 929 785 929 elim
9 Ryan Williams 280 (280) 280 248 (248) 235 (235) 763 763 elim
10 David Stouffer 280 (280) 280 268 (268) 202 (202) 750 750 elim
11 Lenny Solt 220 (205) 220 250 (235) 235 (220) 660 705 elim
12 CJ Wilson 240 (222) 240 251 (233) 204 (186) 641 695 elim
13 Samantha Richards 233 (183) 233 222 (172) 222 (172) 527 677 elim
14 Peter Tuzzolino 227 (207) 227 214 (194) 235 (215) 616 676 elim
15 Steven Boynton 218 (168) 218 215 (165) 220 (170) 503 653 elim
16 Jarrod McComas 225 (225) 225 225 (225) 193 (193) 643 643 elim
17 Alex Piekarz 253 (229) 253 210 (186) 415 463 elim
18 Dylan Cole 244 (196) 244 210 (162) 358 454 elim
19 Damien Howard 245 (245) 245 202 (202) 447 447 elim
20 Tony Biondi 258 (258) 258 182 (182) 440 440 elim
21 Barbara Craig 244 (198) 244 183 (137) 335 427 elim
22 Sammy Seldat 220 (198) 220 203 (181) 379 423 elim
23 Victor Santa 220 (213) 220 197 (190) 403 417 elim
24 James Saunders 226 (213) 226 170 (157) 370 396 elim
25 Bailey Purcell 234 (234) 234 161 (161) 395 395 elim
26 Demetrius Duggans 223 (212) 223 212 223 elim
27 Brian Valenta 217 (210) 217 210 217 elim
28t Julio Fuste 213 (201) 213 201 213 elim
28t John Pfleshinger 213 (193) 213 193 213 elim
30 Donald Craig 210 (160) 210 160 210 elim
31 Stephen VerVaecke 209 (193) 209 193 209 elim
32 Robert Rhoades 203 (203) 203 203 203 elim
33 Shantel Simmons 198 (171) 198 171 198 elim
34 Dartanya Hausburg 185 (135) 185 135 185 elim
35 Stephen Scheck 180 (157) 180 157 180 elim