2023 LG Monthly Doubles - March 2023
Standings for LG Monthly Doubles - March 2023

Handicap Elim (final)
Sorted by: game 4
Handicap Elim 1 2 3 4 5 remove print
Place Bowler(s) as of as of as of as of as of as of as of as of as of as of Scratch Handicap
1 Andrew Respalie 251 (203) 210 (162) 251 (203) 285 (237) 303 (255) 1060 1300
2 Justin Paxton 232 (232) 269 (269) 276 (276) 259 (259) 214 (214) 1250 1250
3 Scott Leighly 236 (219) 232 (215) 253 (236) 232 (215) 193 (176) 1061 1146
4 Sean Riccardi 255 (255) 275 (275) 228 (228) 224 (224) 982 982 elim
5 Karl Critchlow 207 (207) 213 (213) 267 (267) 222 (222) 909 909 elim
6 Jeff Roberson 250 (227) 292 (269) 225 (202) 215 (192) 890 982 elim
7 Charles Turner 229 (206) 236 (213) 238 (215) 198 (175) 809 901 elim
8t Tim King 250 (232) 208 (190) 219 (201) 623 677 elim
8t Jason Timlin 264 (243) 221 (200) 209 (188) 631 694 elim
8t Rich Laudadio 221 (205) 215 (199) 208 (192) 596 644 elim
8t Douglas Williams 206 (193) 208 (195) 205 (192) 580 619 elim
8t Austin Patterson 300 (300) 217 (217) 191 (191) 708 708 elim
13t John Kline 212 (158) 200 (146) 304 412 elim
13t Tyler Zink 241 (233) 178 (170) 403 419 elim
13t Denver Huett 259 (244) 177 (162) 406 436 elim
16t Rich Lancaster 202 (195) 195 202 elim
16t Jamee Harris 192 (158) 158 192 elim
16t Bok-Dal Xanthaky 191 (138) 138 191 elim
16t Nicholas Swank 182 (156) 156 182 elim
16t Joe Brannon 171 (171) 171 171 elim