2020 Sioux Falls USBC 2020-21 Open Tournament
Sioux Falls USBC 2020-21 Open Tournament
Welcome to the 2020 Sioux Falls USBC 2020-21 Open Tournament

Hosted by Eastway bowl
May 9,2021 to May 30,2021

Team - A Division (200+) - $100 entry
Team - B Div (199-170) - $100 entry
Team - C Division (-169) - $100 entry
Doubles - A Div. (200+) - $40 entry
Doubles - B Div (199-170) - $40 entry
Doubles - C Div. (-169) - $40 entry
Singles - A Div. (200+) - $20 entry
Singles - B Div (199-170) - $20 entry
Singles - C Div. (-169) - $20 entry

Entries are now closed for this tournament. You can see the results right here at
Just click 'Standings' on the green bar above.
Contact Director

Downloadable Forms:
Other:   Tournament-Certificate-1821410.pdf
URL:   http://www.bowlsiouxfalls.com/tournaments/open-tournament
URL:   https://drive.google.com/file/d/1b-t_zgMS5QFk-jMPAY05DXay-tG2OJA5/view?usp=sharing