2022 King of the Hill
Standings for King of the Hill

2nd Round
2nd Round 1 2 3 remove print
Place Bowlers as of as of as of as of as of as of Scratch Total
1 Justin Kuhn 249 210 203 662 695
2 Andrew Gilmore 212 233 217 662 662
3 Logan Robertson 207 203 227 637 652
4 Wendy Bastin 193 189 183 565 646
5 Alex Wiles 226 195 219 640 640
6 Dustin Sparks 235 207 195 637 637
7 Joey Pemberton 172 216 241 629 629
8 Jarrod Melton 183 205 236 624 624
9 Wade Sons 219 164 231 614 614
10 Blake Anderson 171 228 212 611 611
11 Zach Madley 206 152 243 601 601
12 Cory Allen 169 202 171 542 599
13 Ron Martin 169 184 214 567 594
14 Wesley Puckett 204 189 193 586 586
15 John Broyer 189 214 181 584 584
16 Jason Thomas 146 193 143 482 581
17 Cody Mackey 184 171 188 543 573
18 Nick Crichfield 146 203 215 564 570
19 Mike Jackson 157 186 169 512 563
20 Jacob Snead 120 167 160 447 531
21 Parker Templeton 155 214 149 518 527
22 Blyne Slessinger 164 191 157 512 512
23 Scott Richardson 126 174 178 478 511
24 Bill New 136 108 194 438 510
25 James Kent 123 125 98 346 502
26 Logan Hardman 125 164 143 432 432
27 Bryan Farmer 125 0 0 125 125

Scan for Standings