2022 Thurs on Sun Dbls 8/21/2022
Standings for Thurs on Sun Dbls 8/21/2022

Eliminator Side Pot 1 (unofficial)
Sorted by: subtotal game 3,game 3,subtotal game 2
Eliminator Side Pot 1 1 2 3 remove print
Place Bowler(s) as of as of as of as of as of as of Scratch Handicap Prize
1 AJ Bledsoe 261 (245) 283 (267) 544 263 (247) 807 759 807 $22.00
2 Rachel Perez 258 (246) 260 (248) 518 247 (235) 765 729 765 $10.00
3 Luke Mosely 234 (186) 265 (217) 499 204 (156) 703 559 703 elim
4 Jason Fields 265 (210) 212 (157) 477 367 477 elim
5 Chase Valenzuela 263 (247) 209 (193) 472 440 472 elim
6 Marcus Hays 230 (205) 205 230 elim
7 Bobby Higar 212 (200) 200 212 elim
8 Glenn Brown 206 (191) 191 206 elim