2018 OJC
Standings for OJC

OJC up to game 2
OJC 1 2 3 4 remove print
Place Bowlers as of as of as of as of as of as of as of as of Scratch
1t Kyler Crevier 200 238 201 200 438
1t Ryan Nikolas 200 238 197 208 438
3 Nate Davis 200 198 188 178 398
4 Andrew Sherwood 200 182 134 223 382
5 Leggett Johnny 200 175 198 246 375
6 Dayton Wickham 200 171 190 226 371
7 Tyler Hogstrom 200 161 204 190 361
8 Greg Miller 200 154 221 163 354

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