Summertime Eliminator
Standings for Summertime Eliminator

Eliminator - Round 2 (unofficial)
Sorted by: game team_hdcp_total
Eliminator - Round 2 1 2 remove print
Place Bowler(s) as of as of as of as of Scratch Handicap
1 Jabe Jargen 240 (216) 282 (258) 474 522
2 Fletcher Thorpe 247 (239) 261 (253) 492 508
3 Garrett Brantley 225 (184) 272 (231) 415 497
4 Sheldon Barnes 246 (224) 223 (201) 425 469
5 Yanon Gray 226 (226) 236 (236) 462 462
6 JD Fairley 256 (256) 202 (202) 458 458
7t Davis Strickland 199 (169) 256 (226) 395 455
7t Mary Mitchell 216 (169) 239 (192) 361 455
9 Krystyne Garrett 188 (171) 260 (243) 414 448
10 Michele Brown 208 (151) 238 (181) 332 446
11 Leon Bullock 232 (181) 208 (157) 338 440
12 Sam Mussen 219 (209) 220 (210) 419 439
13 Travis Parker 211 (181) 202 (172) 353 413
14 Herbert High 202 (202) 209 (209) 411 411
15 Jaylen Parker 207 (189) 176 (158) 347 383
16 Lucas Ellis 210 (182) 166 (138) 320 376