2020 King of the Hill - HDCP Week 7
Standings for King of the Hill - HDCP Week 7

King of the Hill - Hdcp (final)
Sorted by: subtotal game 3
King of the Hill - Hdcp 1 2 3 4 remove print
Place Bowler(s) as of as of as of as of as of as of as of as of Scratch Handicap
1 Dennis Bruce 320 (300) 246 (226) 243 (223) 809 233 (213) 962 1042
2 Chris Armstrong 268 (236) 247 (215) 238 (206) 753 216 (184) 841 969
3 Chris McDaniel 246 (194) 235 (183) 242 (190) 723 224 (172) 739 947
4 Travis Caldwell 243 (223) 203 (183) 273 (253) 719 205 (185) 844 924
5 Drake Mullen 255 (248) 240 (233) 215 (208) 710 205 (198) 887 915
6 Taylor Adams 224 (203) 202 (181) 259 (238) 685 244 (223) 845 929
7 Jacob Walker 214 (169) 258 (213) 206 (161) 678 230 (185) 728 908
8 Ted Cole 193 (135) 272 (214) 211 (153) 676 197 (139) 641 873
9 Chad Barrett 204 (204) 210 (210) 258 (258) 672 216 (216) 888 888
10 Cameron Bandy 227 (211) 218 (202) 222 (206) 667 206 (190) 809 873
11 Sherwin Bates 253 (226) 237 (210) 174 (147) 664 243 (216) 799 907
12 Trey Robbins 223 (196) 275 (248) 159 (132) 657 209 (182) 758 866
13 Kelly Stevens 219 (209) 234 (224) 203 (193) 656 188 (178) 804 844
14 Kevin Vandehey 208 (170) 237 (199) 204 (166) 649 195 (157) 692 844
15 Ryan Mansfield 185 (170) 250 (235) 211 (196) 646 212 (197) 798 858
16 Justin Eddington 194 (157) 205 (168) 233 (196) 632 257 (220) 741 889
17 Brittney Eddington 210 (158) 209 (157) 185 (133) 604 210 (158) 606 814
18 Skyler Pemberton 197 (190) 165 (158) 194 (187) 556 168 (161) 696 724
19 Justin Neff 175 (174) 173 (172) 205 (204) 553 234 (233) 783 787