2022 HDCP 5 Gamer - Jan
Standings for HDCP 5 Gamer - Jan

H-Eliminator (2-5) (unofficial)
Sorted by: game 4,subtotal game 3
H-Eliminator (2-5) 1 2 3 4 5 remove print
Place Bowler(s) as of as of as of as of as of as of as of as of as of as of Scratch Handicap Prize
1 Jerry Goulding 184 (144) 236 (196) 252 (212) 672 238 (198) 211 (171) 921 1121 $65.00
2 John Pfleshinger 199 (168) 235 (204) 225 (194) 659 220 (189) 253 (222) 977 1132 $35.00
3 Andrew Kraft 298 (257) 273 (232) 233 (192) 804 204 (163) 844 1008 elim
4 Matt Bartle 252 (226) 236 (210) 203 (177) 691 195 (169) 782 886 elim
5 MARCO DIECI 200 (160) 259 (219) 159 (119) 618 498 618 elim
6t Jim Gilbert 213 (171) 224 (182) 353 437 elim
6t Chris Uhlar 202 (180) 212 (190) 370 414 elim
6t Tony Trinidad 191 (168) 214 (191) 359 405 elim
6t Fletcher Jr. Burch 191 (151) 204 (164) 315 395 elim
6t Jerry Mikulanec 213 (203) 178 (168) 371 391 elim
6t Ray Stevens 214 (201) 175 (162) 363 389 elim