Standings for NO TAP DOUBLES (APRIL)

H - Eliminator (unofficial)
Sorted by: game team_scratch_total,subtotal game 2,game team_hdcp_total
H - Eliminator 1 2 3 remove print
Place Bowler(s) as of as of as of as of as of as of Scratch Handicap Prize
1 Matt Bartle 258 (234) 288 (264) 546 289 (265) 763 835 $100.00
2 Ray Stevens 257 (245) 253 (241) 510 288 (276) 762 798 $65.00
3 Cindy Snyder 287 (230) 300 (243) 587 334 (277) 750 921 $40.00
4 AJ Huie 268 (239) 251 (222) 519 295 (266) 727 814 $35.00
5 Elaine Modugno 292 (256) 248 (212) 540 279 (243) 711 819 $30.00
6 James Bass 266 (220) 259 (213) 525 268 (222) 655 793 $25.00
7 Theresa Hilson 257 (212) 290 (245) 547 242 (197) 654 789 $20.00
8 David Yslava 278 (243) 250 (215) 528 216 (181) 639 744 $15.00
9 Kyle Adorno 256 (208) 258 (210) 514 235 (187) 605 749 $10.00
10 Raymond Tigertail 311 (266) 222 (177) 533 443 533 elim
11 Michele Benza 268 (227) 239 (198) 507 425 507 elim
12 Nick Adorno 287 (241) 224 (178) 511 419 511 elim
13 Sara Cannistraci 274 (237) 213 (176) 487 413 487 elim
14t Christine Pascual-Fernandez 329 (241) 237 (149) 566 390 566 elim
14t Steve Ackerman 264 (221) 212 (169) 476 390 476 elim
16 Xiomara Bartle 275 (207) 242 (174) 517 381 517 elim
17 Dustin Huffman 278 (219) 206 (147) 484 366 484 elim
18 Cynthia Rudbeck 283 (219) 210 (146) 493 365 493 elim
19 Crystal Tigertail 245 (227) 227 245 elim
20 Brian Copeland 245 (217) 217 245 elim
21 Stan Wolski 241 (205) 205 241 elim
22 Murilo Lima 237 (204) 204 237 elim
23 David Bullock 238 (200) 200 238 elim
24 Matt Duncan 230 (198) 198 230 elim
25 Pablo Adorno 229 (192) 192 229 elim
26 John Ferrara 228 (188) 188 228 elim
27 Margo Buzzard 233 (174) 174 233 elim
28 Walter Swiger 229 (169) 169 229 elim
29t Ricky Ingram 208 (165) 165 208 elim
29t Rick Dieter 200 (165) 165 200 elim
31 Ron Martin 195 (160) 160 195 elim
32 Joel Velez 217 (156) 156 217 elim
33 Cheryl Rakoski 194 (149) 149 194 elim
34 Collin Calavano 169 (145) 145 169 elim
35 Sean Legaspi 200 (143) 143 200 elim