2023 TZT 5 Gamer - HOUSE SHOT
Standings for TZT 5 Gamer - HOUSE SHOT

HDCP ELIM (hidden)
Sorted by: subtotal game 2
HDCP ELIM 1 2 3 4 5 remove print
Place Bowler(s) as of as of as of as of as of as of as of as of as of as of Scratch Handicap Prize
1 Darryl Konas 259 (195) 254 (190) 513 214 (150) 535 727 $60.00 elim
2 Seth Phillips 269 (255) 224 (210) 493 283 (269) 229 (215) 949 1005 elim
3 Doug Konas 243 (211) 245 (213) 488 291 (259) 244 (212) 277 (245) 1140 1300
4 Brady Hart 249 (213) 237 (201) 486 237 (201) 273 (237) 224 (188) 1040 1220
5 Chris Smith 206 (206) 269 (269) 475 224 (224) 699 699 elim
6 Anthony Oliver 222 (222) 222 (222) 444 444 444 elim
7 Gerald Timlin 214 (202) 224 (212) 438 244 (232) 220 (208) 854 902 elim
8 Devin Wood 231 (209) 188 (166) 419 375 419 elim