2023 Coots and Pups (Ron Holmquist memorial)
Standings for Coots and Pups (Ron Holmquist memorial)

Coots and Pups
Coots and Pups 1 2 3 remove print
Place Teams as of as of as of as of as of as of Scratch Total From Lead From Cut
1 Don Ruskauff / Colton Ruskauff 453 443 392 1288 1455
2 Rich Coleman / Brandon Cook 326 331 372 1029 1438 17
3 Zane Tallis / Dave Lay 419 343 391 1153 1436 19
4 Tuff Price / Knut Hoelstad 435 388 391 1214 1407 48
5 Malorie Cook / Stu Polhamus 335 315 283 933 1405 50
6t Randy Beaudry / Cary Shulund 460 438 480 1378 1398 57 7
6t Alex Fiske / Dawn Peeler 332 289 368 989 1398 57 7
8 Tim Abney / Sean Abney 332 347 435 1114 1388 67 17
9 Adam Young / Jim Steele 416 379 424 1219 1372 83 33
10 Dani Pierce / Nick Pierce 336 317 364 1017 1359 96 46
11 Wayne Weidow / Coe Rahmsdorf 372 326 349 1047 1335 120 70
12 Ed Peterson / Preston Peterson 386 358 383 1127 1315 140 90
13 Robert Ford / Dirk Wollff 293 281 319 893 1305 150 100
14 Sandy Aalgaard / Dave Kearns 333 320 383 1036 1295 160 110
15 Tiphini Campbell / Baecht Juanita 249 275 227 751 1277 178 128
16 Bill Jones / MIke Bowman 329 319 326 974 1260 195 145
17 Loren Clevenger / Mike Mertins 340 349 321 1010 1255 200 150
18 Cooper Cook / Alberta Johnson 241 264 236 741 1250 205 155
19 David Warnes / Debbie Kirkbride 313 280 277 870 1245 210 160
20 Neil Holland / Chuck Holmquist 329 333 318 980 1228 227 177
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