2019 Hal Troy Memorial Challenge
Standings for Hal Troy Memorial Challenge

Semis - Scratch
Semis - Scratch 0 1 2 3 remove print
Place Bowlers as of as of as of as of as of as of as of as of Scratch From Cut Prize
1 Jovan Mercado 1187 225 214 224 1850
2 Jerry Jennings 1200 165 194 268 1827
3 Jake Mullen 1246 185 197 193 1821
4 Ethen Maxwell 1165 213 193 224 1795 26 $125.00
5 Malcolm Jacobson 1164 222 216 189 1791 30 $100.00
6 Jordan Jonker 1116 232 240 158 1746 75 $80.00
7 John Malone 1129 184 213 195 1721 100 $70.00
8 Paul Rosales 1140 204 172 185 1701 120 $60.00
9 Skyler Broussard 1160 213 133 176 1682 139 $50.00

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