2019 HDCP Baker Trio Tournament
Standings for HDCP Baker Trio Tournament

NASSAU 1 2 3 4 5 6 remove print
Place Bowlers as of as of as of as of as of as of as of as of as of as of as of as of Scratch Total
1 F- Jenne, F - Duncombe/James 216 223 222 237 216 236 1350 1350
2 H- Stowell, H - Stewart/Stewart 237 206 224 198 247 193 1305 1305
3 LL - Topolyn, LL - Gianino/Sotor 212 191 196 230 215 193 1237 1237
4 S- Bullock, S - Bellanca/Abend 192 187 208 206 275 147 1215 1215
5 R- Martin, R - Polaski/Oswalt 193 214 196 191 207 203 1204 1204
6 X- Cannistraci, X - Ventura/Ventura 188 183 233 176 144 245 1169 1169
7 T - Newhouse, T - Cameron/Yeager 160 178 181 267 211 165 1162 1162
8 P- Dovers, P - Benza/Louchart 179 194 200 171 216 188 1148 1148
9 JJ- Gibson, JJ - Stewart/Horton 202 200 165 206 168 173 1114 1114
10 C- Buhrts, C - Ellis/Algaudich 206 211 171 170 158 171 1087 1087
11 KK - Whleather, KK - Whleather/Gravley 140 182 192 222 194 148 1078 1078
12 Z- Woods-Hills, Z - Bukowczyk/Mortland 149 161 223 182 170 192 1077 1077
13 Q- Manella, Q - Hall/Rucker 174 204 148 191 178 181 1076 1076
14 M- Mercado, M - Card/Klishak 158 175 193 159 147 233 1065 1065
15 D- Dorsch, D - Dorsch/Williams 185 192 163 170 180 172 1062 1062
16 HH - Rogge, HH - Day/Day 132 184 201 163 178 170 1028 1028
17 MM - Carr MM - Reed/Reed 115 224 164 176 147 143 969 969
18 Y- Schwartz, Y - Lindsey/Seymour 146 169 197 134 149 122 917 917
** A note from your tournament director:
Thank you to the 120 bowlers competing!

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