2021 (March) HDCP 5 Gamer - Sponsored by Jerry Mikul
Standings for (March) HDCP 5 Gamer - Sponsored by Jerry Mikul

H-Eliminator only game 4 (unofficial)
H-Eliminator 1 2 3 4 remove print
Place Bowler(s) as of as of as of as of as of as of as of as of Scratch Handicap Prize
1 Preston Willis 268 (242) 248 (222) 261 (235) 273 (247) 946 1050 $140.00
2 Nic Gardiner 236 (200) 278 (242) 270 (234) 228 (192) 868 1012 $60.00
3 Frank Wilson III 235 (200) 244 (209) 278 (243) 215 (180) 832 972 $30.00
4 David Stouffer 268 (268) 248 (248) 211 (211) 727 727 elim
5 John Radziszewski 324 (299) 267 (242) 209 (184) 725 800 elim
6 Jennifer Dovers 229 (202) 265 (238) 207 (180) 620 701 elim
7 Rob Sefton 313 (289) 238 (214) 503 551 elim
8 Steven Tomaselli 233 (162) 237 (166) 328 470 elim
9 Jon Cuebas 229 (185) 236 (192) 377 465 elim
10t Paul Rosenfeld 240 (209) 226 (195) 404 466 elim
10t Don Johnson 236 (193) 226 (183) 376 462 elim
12 Kevin Day 284 (248) 224 (188) 436 508 elim
13 Scott Dennis 236 (225) 204 (193) 418 440 elim
14 Andrew Kraft 227 (184) 184 227 elim
15 Mike Mowbray 222 (160) 160 222 elim
16t David Forbes 217 (179) 179 217 elim
16t Scott Taylor 217 (167) 167 217 elim
18 Armando Fernandez 215 (182) 182 215 elim
19 Rafael Hernandez 213 (180) 180 213 elim
20 MARCEL JONES 209 (173) 173 209 elim
21 Tammy Stouffer 202 (159) 159 202 elim
22 Elaine Modugno 188 (147) 147 188 elim
23 James Oswalt 187 (155) 155 187 elim
24 Ace Chavis, Jr 155 (128) 128 155 elim