2023 TZT - Boardwalk Bowl
Standings for TZT - Boardwalk Bowl

HDCP ELIM (hidden)
HDCP ELIM 1 2 3 4 remove print
Place Bowler(s) as of as of as of as of as of as of as of as of Scratch Handicap Prize
1 James Johnson 200 (196) 259 (255) 211 (207) 189 (185) 843 859
2 Steve Boynton 203 (174) 177 (148) 221 (192) 186 (157) 671 787
3 Kimberly Johnson 205 (165) 238 (198) 198 (158) 521 641 elim
4 Harley Noel 214 (202) 202 (190) 176 (164) 556 592 elim
5 RAFAEL A. CRUZ 203 (176) 177 (150) 326 380 elim
6 Cody Boynton 195 (135) 164 (104) 239 359 elim
7 Curtis Pollard Jr. 181 (152) 152 181 elim
8 Crystal Tortice 171 (160) 160 171 elim