2023 Bowling Combat
Standings for Bowling Combat

Eliminator Side Pot (unofficial)
Eliminator Side Pot 1 2 3 remove print
Place Bowler(s) as of as of as of as of as of as of Scratch Handicap Prize
1 Kody_Tu Kilber 300 (300) 229 (196) 258 (225) 721 787 $40.00
2 Damon_Th Dallas 274 (266) 237 (229) 233 (225) 720 744 $32.00
3 Damon_Wed Dallas 264 (256) 250 (242) 209 (201) 699 723 elim
4 Kody_Wed Kilber 268 (235) 214 (181) 416 482 elim
5 Veronica_Wed Yeagle 266 (266) 194 (194) 460 460 elim
6 Jason_Th VanBelkum 227 (215) 215 227 elim
7 Charles_Tu Desrosiers 224 (211) 211 224 elim
8 Charles_Fr Desrosiers 203 (190) 190 203 elim
9 Marston_Tu Burnett 191 (157) 157 191 elim